Charles G Coleman
Have you ever thought about what it would be like to be able to actually wear the whole Armour of God: swing the Sword of the Spirit, protect yourself with the Shield of Faith, and call out to God in prayer?
Well, I did not either until I read The Shining Sword, which is a fictional book about the journey of a lost person, (in this book, Lanus), to becoming a Christian, (a follower of the King).
This book is easy to read and fairly short. It is also very gripping and is an interesting story.
I also read Book 2: The Song of the Trumpet. Although a continuation of the story, this second book was written much later. It seems to be more difficult to follow. The main character of this second book is a girl, so I did not enjoy it as much.
I think that everyone would enjoy The Shining Sword, but that The Song of the Trumpet is an optional choice.