The Puritans differed sometimes on their understanding of a range of issues, yet their agreement and depth of seriousness across the vast expanses of truth and experience is striking.
In our Christian Fellowship Group we are currently following the workbook and DVD teaching series: “Puritan: To God’s Glory” to explore the lives and theology of a range of Puritan thinkers both in England and abroad. The Puritan approach to life is worth our attention, because they viewed all of human experience in light of Scripture. Henry Smith said, “We should set the Word of God always before us like a rule, and believe nothing but that which it teacheth, love nothing but that which it prescribeth, hate nothing but that which it forbidden, do nothing but that which it commandeth.” We believe that this is a great lesson for all of us!
Embracing this conviction, our church congregation regularly gathers every other Friday evening to sing hymns, and to explore the lives and theological perspectives of the Puritans, and we follow our study with fellowship, and the important matter of tea and cake.
We invite you to join us by filling out the Contact Us page to get in touch with one of our church elders.