Our liturgy is the order of corporate worship we follow each week. We pray together, sing “psalms and hymns and spiritual songs” (Ephesians 5:19), and sit under the sound preaching of the Word of God, “remember[ing] the Sabbath day to keep it holy” (Exodus 20:8).
(Congregation Stands)
Call To Worship
Opening Prayer
(Congregation Is Seated)
Sequential Psalm – Reading
Reading of the Law
(Congregation Kneels)
Confession of Sin
(Congregation Stands)
Assurance of Pardon
(Congregation Is Seated)
Psalm/Hymn – Congregation Stands
Confession of Faith – The Apostle’s Creed
Children’s Address – Westminster Shorter Catechism
Psalm/Hymn – Congregation Stands
Congregational Prayer (A.C.T.S.I. & M.*)
– Concluding with The Lord’s Prayer
Scripture Reading
Offertory Prayer
Psalm/Hymn – Congregation Stands
Prayer of Illumination
Closing Prayer
Communion – (Every six weeks)
Psalm/Hymn – Congregation Stands
Our Interim-Moderator, Damien Carson, will be joining us to preach and conduct the Lord’s Supper (Communion) every six weeks. Look at the Calendar for the dates.
After the service we share in a time of morning tea every week, and once a month, on Fellowship Sundays, we enjoy a shared Church Lunch together, and you’re invited!
* A.C.T.S.I. & M.: Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication, Intercession, & Mission.